(Note: Monday night’s fr-ee training call info is at the end of
this article.)
Do you have a deal or 2 that you’d really like to off load, but are
having a tough time selling it in today’s market?
Let me give you a little tip that may help.
Have you considered seller financing as a primary exit strategy?
What do I mean? You should always consider selling your deals on
wrap-mortgages or lease-purchases as one of the most viable exit
strategies in today’s market. Why? Because a real estate investor
MUST be also a terrific problem solver. Moreover, one of the
number one problems today is access to money or financing on homes.
I have seen it estimated that 40% of potential home buyers (those
who have money to put down and can afford the monthly mortgage
payment), cannot get financing today. With a seller-financing
vehicle, you have a way to solve that customer’s problem. You will
also find less competition with realtors, banks, mortgage
companies, and other investors with these buyers. This is also a
great option to offer your investor friends, where you can get a
non-refundable option fee up front and accept monthly payments,
while they do the rehab – and then you can cash out when they sale
(you should typically make more money over time with this strategy,
instead of taking more of a discount for all cash or an assignment
This strategy can also lower your capital gains tax rate, if you
don’t get totally cashed out until after 365 days of your
acquisition. Of course, this will mean you will have to adjust
slightly how you pick up and control your deals – but can be an
excellent tool in your toolbox for doing more deals. Remember,
some folks are okay with 60-70% cash offers, but others want closer
to the FMV, but would be willing to hold onto the financing for you
(i.e. Subject To, wrap mortgage, sub-leases, seller financing,
etc.). This also can eliminate or minimize your need or dependence
on banks, hard money or private money lenders.
You see, in life, you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you
negotiate. So learn the tools and skills you can to get you the
most favorable deals, and be a better problem-solver for your
target market.
By the way, if you’d like to know another key way to help you sell
your deals, use the REWARD or WANTED flyer. This is a guerilla
marketing tactic, but is very effective. This strategy is based on
the fact that 80-% of home purchases are made by people who know
someone who lives in or near a neighborhood they are moving too.
For a sample of the flyer that you can use, go here
(feel free to download it and use it for your own.) Note my callout
regarding seller financing available. (This is a great tool!)
You can print these on your own printer (black and white is fine),
and pay a young teenager or 2 ten to twenty-five cents a piece for
everyone they deliver (that’s $10-25 for 100 homes). Just be sure
they put these in the doors and not the mailboxes.
Okay, so there are a couple home selling hints for
you this weekend – be sure to catch our monthly group coaching Q &
A call this Monday night at 9pm EST. I will be featuring one of my
personal business partners and local REI mentors, Col. Carson W.
Carter, who has over 33 years of experience and has transacted
nearly 9-figures in real estate.
You can submit your most pressing REI question, problem or situation at
http://www.reimostwantedsecrets.com/qanda/call - and we’ll address
them all this Monday night. There will not be a replay on this
call, so don’t miss it live. Also, I am only allowing 100 people
on the call this Monday night, so get your registration information
and show up early. Register and submit your questions here:
To Your Success
Charles Dudley
PS – Do you wish to attend one of the best real
estate investing training events this year – but can’t make it this
weekend LIVE? Why not participate as a virtual attendee, and get
the same full team service (web sites, online marketing, quick cash
real estate methods, coaching and mastermind group) – simple go to
www.reidominator.com and become a virtual attendee this coming
weekend. If you need more info, or want to order by the phone,
call 888-734-6911.
PPS – My current mentoring program remains full,
but we will be having a few graduates from our basic program this
month and will be opening for new applications beginning in August. If
you feel you are ready for a team-supported, one-on-one mentoring
program that combines the power of quick-cash methods and internet
marketing for real estate investors, feel free to apply here:
www.mentordudley.com - (Hint: It is less than $5K, and we do provide
financing. Spots are limited. )