Friday, October 31, 2008
8 deals in 2 weeks with ZERO marketing investment?
Well let me tell you that I have another Real Estate Investing Student who did
3 deals in just 2 days with the help of Craigslist.
I'm a firm believer that Markeing is a huge pillar in
Dominating the Real Estate Investing Market. With Proper Marketing
you can build your buyers list fast and close more deals.
One of the secret tactics I regularly teach is how to use
free classified ads in Craigslist. That alone is very
powerful and you should take advantage of Craigslist right
Now there are two ways to work Craigslist. The regular way
and the underground powerhouse way, where your results will
grow exponentially but you need to know some very specific
In order to help you gain an edge over your competitors I
looked for a good source of Advanced CraigslistTraining and
found these videos that explain step by step how you can get
tons of f.ree traffic to build your list of buyers.
The videos focus a bit more in the bizz op market, but the
tactics shown are pricesless and can be applied to any market
you can image.
Some of the things you will learn in these videos are:
-How to write copy that draws readers attention.
-How to Trick the Craigslist spiders
-Where to get the best hidden text
-Secret Copy & paste tricks to save time
-Easily swipe thousands of hidden text ads
This is a no brainer, go get that competitive edge now!
To your Success,
P.S. You get over 10 videos with 70+ minutes of step
by step content so you can Dominate the Real Estate Investing market with Craigslist. Go now before they figure
out they're charging too little!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Real Estate Investing - Beating The Down Economy
Do you know the best ways to market to motivated sellers today, and how to build a healthy buyers list that you can either have your deals pre-sold, or at minimally move them within days or weeks? A big hint here is to use the internet to pre-qualify and capture leads. Build your lists before you have to have them. So many people wait until the last minute to take advantage of markets as they move, but I tell you that now is the absolute best time to be in real estate, and that you do not have to have a fortune saved up, or A+ credit. Learn the secrets I have been using for the last 3 years.
Now, let me say this. I have been very generous up until this point. But after this weekend, I will no longer be able to offer my REI Dominator University at this basement bargain price. The information is way too valuable and too many people want something for nothing. I do not want those type of clients or partners. I want serious investors who are ready to make some serious money in this economic crisis. I personally have invested over 6-figures in my real estate and internet marketing education over the last 7 years, and this program is easily worth over $3,000 - but you can get it this weekend for just $397 (we may even still have some 2-week trial offers available). Remember, the price goes up after Sunday. No exceptions.
One of the many great things about this University is that it is an interactive, web-based, distance learning program. Over 20 hours of audio and video instruction, with student handouts and worksheets, plus al the web tools you need to be successful. We will even be providing you with 2 personalized web sites as a full University student. This is not the time to debate or cower in fear, but the time to take massive focused action toward your success.
If you want to secure your spot in the REI Dominator University, then go right now to .
This special is for this weekend only.
Finally, I am offering a fr-ee training this Sunday night for those interested in getting debt and mortgage fr-ee in as little as 8-12 years, without any drastic changes to your current lifestyle. One of the best Real Estate Investments is your personal home, and paying off your high interest debts. This call will feature debt reduction experts, Dave and Kirk Jennings from Myrtle Beach. It will be limited to the first 250 who register, so take advantage of this educational training on one of the top issues of today by registering here: .
I sincerely desire to see you succeed and prosper, even in these current turbulent times. I will give you the absolute best tools I know to help you do just htat - but don't delay in making a positive change for your financial future. Take action today.
To your Real Estate Investing success,
Charles Dudley
REI Dominator
P.S. - The order link to take advantage of this weekend's special offer on my REI Dominator University Course, and get your 2 fr-ee investor websites, go now to - and just in case, if that order page does not load for you, feel fr-ee to order directly at .
P.P.S. - This Sunday night's training for Debt and Mort-gage Free-dom can be accessed by registering at this link: .
Friday, October 10, 2008
Right Now: 10,250,965,305,600.55
It is the U.S. National Debt as of right now. If you look it up by the time you finish reading my email, it will undoubtedly be much higher.
That's over 10 trillion dollars.
Now the reason I bring this up is not to scare you or put fear in you, but to bring to you the importance of doing 2 things today - 2 quick things to take charge of your own financial future - before allowing the turbulent markets do it for you.
#1) Now is the best time to get into Real Estate Investing (if you don't believe me - check out the stock markets this week) - BUT, if your investing strategy depends on banks or cred-it, then you are heading down the wrong path. In fact, I would not even recommend depending on selling your real estate deals to people who need banks or credit to complete the purchase. Bad move there.
If you truly begin with the end in mind, you need to be able to sell properties today packaged with seller financing. Your properties will sell faster, and typically for a higher fair market value, than to someone (another investor or end-user) who has to go through a bank to get a mort-gage. With that in mind, you should also be acquiring most all of your deals from motivated sellers who will give you great terms (i.e. 100% seller financing, subject tos, lease-options, wrap mortgages, etc.).
And based upon the fact that we are living in the information age, and that (according to the National Association of Realtors) 85% of all real estate transactions originated need to be properly set up to generate most of your real estate leads, both buyers and sellers, online. But it's not enough to simply have a website, you need the right kind of website. One that will actually acquire and capture motivated leads for you. And these kinds of sites do not have to be expensive. In fact, if you take advantage of my REI Dominator University program, you will get 2 complimentary, personalized web sites for fr-ee.
To learn more about the best way to do Real Estate Investing in today's market, and get your 2 fr-ee real estate web sites, go directly now to - I have a special 2-week trial offer that ends today. After today, I will no longer offer this trial, and the tuition for the full course will go up.
So, the first thing I want you to do to take action and take control of your financial future in today's turbulent market is go to and get on board with this special trial of the REI Dominator University. This special offer is only available to you because you are one of my valued subscribers - and you can forward this email to any of your friends - but after this, the special will not be available.
#2) One of the absolute best investments today, is in your own home and paying off your own debt. If you are currently in debt or have a mort-gage of your own, I want to encourage you to do everything you can to get debt fr-ee and to pay off your home. Just imagine the security and feeling of owing no one anything. What would your monthly budget look like if you did not have to pay a mort-gage payment or any cred-it card bills? Well, if you want more information on how to do this in record speed, without having to drastically change your current lifestyle, join me for a fr-ee training webinar this Sunday night at 9 PM EST - the link to register is (This call is not allowed to be recorded and is limited to the first 250 - so don't delay in registering, and be sure to mark the time on your calendar so you can be there.)
In such times as these, we need to be smart with our investments and our mon-ey, so be sure to take advantage of both of these tremendous opportunities.
We are here to help you achieve the financial security and free-dom that you desire.
All my best,
Charles Dudley
REI Dominator
Real Estate Investing Dominator
PS - Today's special offer on the Real Estate Investing University or REI Dominator University is at - and just in case you have trouble with that page, you can order directly here:
Friday, September 26, 2008
Are You Hitting Real Estate Investing Home Runs?

Finally! A way to get Real Estate Investors back on the millionaire's playing field! We all should be so lucky
to have legs that can move fast enough in order to be one of the first 516 people to steal this time sensitive opportunity (less than 250 spots left).
The clock is not in your favor my friend...
If you want a chance to get back in the Real Estate Investing game, I have discovered a way to increase your chances of
getting ahead of your projected 2008 Real Estate Investing profits.
I hope you're ready for achieving a high level of personal and
business Success...
I have developed the REI Dominator University that has
combined the best of Real Estate Investing quick cash methods with the best of guerilla internet marketing tactics.
Isn't scoring a beautiful thing?
Be the first of 516 to get to home plate by joining the Real Estate Investing Dominator University (try it now for fr-ee,
only $13.97 for s&h).
We want you to come on board and join our World Series team of All Star Investors. Step up to the plate Kim, your next up to bat...
Home Run Profits require taking action!
Discover how to be a Real Estate Investing Slugger here:
To Your Success,
Charles Dudley
PS - There are less than 250 spots left for new students at the ridiculous
Fr-ee trial tuition (and only $13.97 s&h). So don't delay in getting in on
the action. Go now to
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Real Estate Investing Dominator - Free Class on Video
Watch the Dominator himself, mentor Charles Dudley, as he introduces the REI Dominator University
To Your Success
The Real Success Team
Dudley Success Consulting Group, LLC
Home of REI Dominator University
Dudley Success Consulting Group. LLC
Real Estate Investing Product Launch - Dominator University

At last! I've been waiting for this...
I have put together a Real Estate Investing program that Actually works. If you've ever tried to use some of the other Real Estate Investing programs that are on the market currently, you'll know that many of them don't exactly work - and you have wasted your money once again on empty hopes and dreams...
Enter REI Dominator University.
As one of the most respected and creative Real Estate Investors and mentors, I was so dissatisfied with what was being sold as the answer to your Real Estate Investing problems, that I took it upon myself to create my own system.
And the end result of this is remarkable.
CMy new system makes it incredibly easy (no kidding). That is it. I've HAD it. NO More...
(1) NO More having to decipher rather complex real estate terminology without familiar assistance...
(2) NO More having to do it all yourself...
(3) NO More getting frustrated at your lack of successful Real Estate Investing results....
(4) NO More throwing your money away on useless programs, unless that's something you enjoy...
Discover my amazing nee Dominating system here:
To Your Success,
The REI Dominator & Mentor
Friday, September 19, 2008
Get All of Your Real Estate Investing Answers

Over the last year most of my customers are facing the same issues when it comes to buying or selling a home. Most people are having problems either getting approved for a loan or getting rid of their home in order to move or buy a more desirable property. There are three practices that have taken my business through the real estate market slump over the last year and they are:
1. Transacting Real Estate Without Using My Own Money
2. Utilizing Lease Options
3. Learning to Market My Real Estate Investing Business Online.
If you have some extra time on your hands there are many real estate investors that are willing to pay a referral fee on finding them a buyer or seller. Most investors are willing to negotiate a finders fee for assisting them in moving their property. The key to being successful at transacting real estate deals like this is having enough leads available to connect the buyers and sellers together.
If you haven't noticed there are allot of struggling Real Estate Investing agents, investors and brokers out there that can not seem to get anyone approved for a home loan. But there are lots of people out there that are able to afford the payments on their home of choice but are stuck where they are due to bad credit, divorce, medical situations and more. If you want to be successful in Real Estate Investing then you definitely need to learn tactic number two which is Lease Options. Lease Options are currently the most successful real estate transactions that I have came across that benefit both the buyer and the seller.
The third most important tactic has opened up a whole other world out there for me and my real estate investing business. Learning to generate buyers and seller leads on the Internet. It is ever real estate investor's dream to have leads coming to you and asking for help instead of you spending thousands of dollars on dead end advertising.
There is now a product available that teaches and guides you through each Real Estate Investing success tactic. It is call the Real Estate Investing Dominator Home Study Course. For more information go to
To Your Success and Freedom,
Charles Dudley
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Real Estate Investing - Cracking The Code To Market Domination

Real Estate Investing competitors exist in many different niches. There are wholesaling specialists, foreclosure experts, house flipping gurus, and so on. Most competitor’s goals are similar: To be the first to get your hands on the best deals. There are leaders in the Real Estate Investing market that have figured out how to crack the code on running a successful business in a down market. They have figured out how to get buyers and sellers coming to them by way of internet marketing. It does not matter what your Real Estate Investing forte is.
Learning how to be successful in real estate investing is not rocket science when combined with internet marketing. Now only can you learn how to make more money from your Real Estate Investing business but we can hold your hand!
There is a product being launched that now offers education on everything you need to know in order to start, manage and dominate your Real Estate Investing Market by using cutting edge Real Estate Investing tactics fused with Internet marketing strategies.
What The REI Dominator Program Offers:
- Learn how to use other people's money to fund your Real Estate Investing business with good or bad credit.
- The program guides you through the most used Real Estate Investing strategic methods.
- Education on the least expensive ways to learn Internet marketing that will have your Real Estate Investing leads coming to you.
- Offers easy to understand instruction and web page support by actual assigned Dominating Team members!
- Learn how to do Real Estate Investing and Internet marketing without having to be an expert in either field.
- Act Now and get 2 websites! We'll set up the traffic and profit systems together.
You'll have all the secret strategies of Real Estate Investing quick cash methods, ready to dominate deals and set-up with massive traffic going to your websites!
Finally! You've discovered the first step to overcoming your Real Estate Investing obstacles. This breakthrough Real Estate Investing program fused with Internet marketing strategies making cash flow and the Internet a definite recipe for success.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
What Is A Real Estate Investing Dominator?

The American Heritage Dictionary defines a "Dominator" this way:
dom·i·nate (dŏm'ə-nāt')
v. tr.
To control, govern, or rule by superior authority or power: Successful leaders dominate events rather than react to them.
To exert a supreme, guiding influence on or over: Ambition dominated their lives.
To enjoy a commanding, controlling position in: a drug company that dominates the tranquilizer market.
To overlook from a height: a view from the cliffside chalet that dominates the valley.
v. intr.
To have or exert strong authority or mastery.
To be situated in or occupy a position that is more elevated or decidedly superior to others.
[Latin dominārī, domināt-, to rule, from dominus, lord; see dem- in Indo-European roots.]
I define a Real Estate Investing Dominator as one who knows how to use the POWER of the internet, with the massive financial leverage and speed of my QUICK CASH STRATEGIES in real estate investing - to truly Dominate the competition.
This course is designed with winners in mind. If you have believed that the secrets to real estate investing or internet marketing are hidden for just a special chosen few - then think again. Ride this wave now and learn to Dominate as you never have before.
To get your head start - you can pre-register at
And feel free to get my latest ebook - the Real Estate Investing Bible, for fr-ee during our pre-launch. (Download it at
Mark your calendar for Sept. 18th - and be one of the first to get your hands on this market-altering course, before the limited spots available are taken.
There's something in the air...and it's the next Real Estate Investing Dominator - YOU!
To your success - to your Real Estate Investing dominion,
Charles Dudley
P.S. - To get your head start - you can pre-register at
P.P.S. - And feel free to get my latest ebook - the Real Estate Investing Bible, for fr-ee during our pre-launch. (Download it at
Monday, September 15, 2008
Understanding Real Estate Investing Domination - Tip #3

In order to be a Real Estate Investing Dominator, you need to understand the evolution of a Real Estate Investing Dominator.
In Biology Domination occurs when one's left or right hand or foot is more skilled than the other. states Biology Hand Domination as "Handedness is an attribute of human beings defined by their unequal distribution of fine motor skill between the left and right hands. An individual who is more dexterous with the right hand is called right-handed, and one who is more skilled with the left is said to be left-handed. A minority of people are equally skilled with both hands, and are termed ambidextrous."
In Real Estate Investing domination occurs when a real estate investor combines his or her real estate investing skills with internet marketing. The act of combining two or more industries learning how to be equally skilled in both areas is a recepie for success.
Do you want to know if you have what it takes to be a Real Estate Investor who penetrates and dominates a dying market?
To see if you qualify, go now to:
The Real Estate Investing Dominator program gives you the tools you need in order to capture hot competing leads from both buyers and sellers.
To Your Success and Freedom,
Charles Dudley
The Real Estate Domination Program;
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Understanding Real Estate Investing Domination - Tip #2

In chess, domination occurs when a piece has a relatively wide choice of destination squares, but still cannot avoid being captured.
In Real Estate Investing domination occurs when a home buyer or seller has a wide variety of choices when they are looking to move a property, but one smart investor is still able to capture their lead due to their inate internet marketing skills.
Do you want to know if you have what it takes to be a Real Estate Investor who penetrates and dominates a dying market?
To see if you qualify, go now to:
The Real Estate Dominator program gives you the tools you need in order to capture hot competing leads from both buyers and sellers.
To Your Success and Freedom,
Charles Dudley
The Real Estate Domination Program;
Friday, September 12, 2008
Understanding Real Estate InvestingDomination - Tip #1

Monopolies? Hitler? Scoundrels?
The good news is that not all connotations of the word "Domination" are negative.
Try thinking of the word domination when added to the word "Real Estate Investing". defines the word "Domination" as the condition of having control or power over some person, place or thing. It would be a great thing if people had domination over their circumstances, right?
If we think of this definition in terms of Real Estate Investing then the definition of Real Estate Domination would be the condition of having control or power over succeeding in today’s real estate market.
Are you ready to join the next generation of Real Estate Investors?
To get a sneak peek at the system that has changed the future of Real Estate Investing go to
This Real Estate Investing system pre-launches on September 18th, 2008 at 10 PM.
To Your Success and Freedom,
Charles Dudley
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Are You Willing?

(Note: Monday night’s fr-ee training call info is at the end of
this article.)
Do you have a deal or 2 that you’d really like to off load, but are
having a tough time selling it in today’s market?
Let me give you a little tip that may help.
Have you considered seller financing as a primary exit strategy?
What do I mean? You should always consider selling your deals on
wrap-mortgages or lease-purchases as one of the most viable exit
strategies in today’s market. Why? Because a real estate investor
MUST be also a terrific problem solver. Moreover, one of the
number one problems today is access to money or financing on homes.
I have seen it estimated that 40% of potential home buyers (those
who have money to put down and can afford the monthly mortgage
payment), cannot get financing today. With a seller-financing
vehicle, you have a way to solve that customer’s problem. You will
also find less competition with realtors, banks, mortgage
companies, and other investors with these buyers. This is also a
great option to offer your investor friends, where you can get a
non-refundable option fee up front and accept monthly payments,
while they do the rehab – and then you can cash out when they sale
(you should typically make more money over time with this strategy,
instead of taking more of a discount for all cash or an assignment
This strategy can also lower your capital gains tax rate, if you
don’t get totally cashed out until after 365 days of your
acquisition. Of course, this will mean you will have to adjust
slightly how you pick up and control your deals – but can be an
excellent tool in your toolbox for doing more deals. Remember,
some folks are okay with 60-70% cash offers, but others want closer
to the FMV, but would be willing to hold onto the financing for you
(i.e. Subject To, wrap mortgage, sub-leases, seller financing,
etc.). This also can eliminate or minimize your need or dependence
on banks, hard money or private money lenders.
You see, in life, you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you
negotiate. So learn the tools and skills you can to get you the
most favorable deals, and be a better problem-solver for your
target market.
By the way, if you’d like to know another key way to help you sell
your deals, use the REWARD or WANTED flyer. This is a guerilla
marketing tactic, but is very effective. This strategy is based on
the fact that 80-% of home purchases are made by people who know
someone who lives in or near a neighborhood they are moving too.
For a sample of the flyer that you can use, go here
(feel free to download it and use it for your own.) Note my callout
regarding seller financing available. (This is a great tool!)
You can print these on your own printer (black and white is fine),
and pay a young teenager or 2 ten to twenty-five cents a piece for
everyone they deliver (that’s $10-25 for 100 homes). Just be sure
they put these in the doors and not the mailboxes.
Okay, so there are a couple home selling hints for
you this weekend – be sure to catch our monthly group coaching Q &
A call this Monday night at 9pm EST. I will be featuring one of my
personal business partners and local REI mentors, Col. Carson W.
Carter, who has over 33 years of experience and has transacted
nearly 9-figures in real estate.
You can submit your most pressing REI question, problem or situation at - and we’ll address
them all this Monday night. There will not be a replay on this
call, so don’t miss it live. Also, I am only allowing 100 people
on the call this Monday night, so get your registration information
and show up early. Register and submit your questions here:
To Your Success
Charles Dudley
PS – Do you wish to attend one of the best real
estate investing training events this year – but can’t make it this
weekend LIVE? Why not participate as a virtual attendee, and get
the same full team service (web sites, online marketing, quick cash
real estate methods, coaching and mastermind group) – simple go to and become a virtual attendee this coming
weekend. If you need more info, or want to order by the phone,
call 888-734-6911.
PPS – My current mentoring program remains full,
but we will be having a few graduates from our basic program this
month and will be opening for new applications beginning in August. If
you feel you are ready for a team-supported, one-on-one mentoring
program that combines the power of quick-cash methods and internet
marketing for real estate investors, feel free to apply here: - (Hint: It is less than $5K, and we do provide
financing. Spots are limited. )
Friday, July 11, 2008
I Need Traffic Coming To My Site
Earlier this week I sent you some great social networking sites (oh yeah, and there’s more of those to come) to help you take the bull by the horns and get your message out there online. But I wanted to also tell you some ways to get traffic to your website, both internet-based as well as direct methods.
You see, the one thing I have found after coaching nearly 100 students personally, and that is that there are basically 2 types of investor students out there. The first kind of investor student is the one who gets every information product out there, doing the shotgun method, and never really getting ahead. This comes from a scarcity mentality. Meaning that they don’t trust a single method well enough to get just a few deals done, they are trying to find the hidden secret. Ultimately this person will run out of money or time or energy and give up before their efforts bear fruit.
The other kind of investor student doesn’t accept excuses or the word “no”. They are determined, they take responsibility for their own business and results, and keep focused on the activities that have proven to produce results, even if it doesn’t appear to work immediately. The main difference is that the folks who make it happen are ferociously resolute in making their goals happen and are not afraid of hard work.
Now, I don’t believe that you have to work sun up to sun down to be a successful and profitable real estate investor. In fact, most of my more profitable deals were completed in less than 5 hours of work. Some of my most profitable weeks, I worked less than 10 hours and made more money in that week than I used to make in several months at the j-o-b.
What I have found is that anyone serious in today’s real estate market needs at least 2 websites. But not just any old 2 sites (specifically referring to these replicated deals that are cookie-cutter and look like everyone else’s). You need websites that brand you and your company, that convert traffic into real leads and ultimately into customers.
Once you have your websites, you will need to get focused on getting traffic to those sites to make your efforts worth while. I remember the first 3 or 4 websites I had. I was so excited to finally be online. But nothing happened after 2 months. Why? Because I didn’t have traffic. So let me share with you a few quick tips to get traffic to your websites, some free, some paid.
1) Social networking sites (also known as Web 2.0). You should join communities online where you will attract clients or partners. Remember you need both buyers and sellers, and sometimes you find a partner from time to time. Try more popular sites that the general (non-investor) public will know.
My Space
By the way, did you know you can use sites like You Tube, uStream, Flickr and PhotoBucket to post your investment properties online? Again, all of the above sites are free. Which ones or how many should you participate in? Well, I think try to add 1 per week, keep track of all your usernames and passwords so you can visit them weekly, and be sure to add a personal photo when you can so you can connect with your potential clients and customers. Is this worth it to get a few extra deals this year? I hope so, that is why you are in business. The other great thing about social networking is that over time your leads generated will grow exponentially. This is more of a viral effect for your website traffic. And just think of all the friends you can make!
2) Are you blogging yet? This is a free website for you. Do you know that there are folks who make a full time income blogging today? This is a great way to get your name out there online, build a network, generate traffic to all your websites, and yes – get real estate deals. Try or to get your blog up and running.
As an investor – you should make a posting for each real estate deal you have. If you are buying or selling. What kind of deals you are looking for and even how you might sell your deals (wholesale, contract assignments, lease-options, retail, etc). You should also make 2-4 postings each week to get higher rankings in the search engines. Feel free to write your own articles or post copies of others’ articles with topics that you are interested in (just remember to give credit to the author if you do). This content on your blog will get you ranking higher on search engines, specifically targeting your customers needs – and doesn’t cost you anything but a little time.
This is also very fun – so don’t delay in getting your blog up right away. Feel free to also visit and comment on others blogs as a way to get friendly back links to your sites – and that positive feedback will also encourage others to visit yours, and make your blog a viral site.
I will be explaining a few more concepts for free and inexpensive traffic in the next section of this article:
Here are a few of the topics we will cover next week:
3) Craigslist
4) EBay
5) Pay Per Click advertising
6) Other online traffic ads, forums, ad exchanges
7) Direct marketing methods, postcards, business cards, flyers, magnetic signs, bandit signs, etc.
I want you to realize that there is no ‘magic bullet’ out there to get you leads. Most of these methods are like planting seeds – they take time and watering to grow and produce fruit. My encouragement to you is to begin to plant your orchard and don’t quit or give up easily. For most marketing to be truly effective takes an integrated approach. Your potential clients and customers will generally need to see your business ads 5 to 7 times (impressions) to make most people take action. That is why your uniqueness and branding will be so important to work on (versus a typical “we buy houses” cookie-cutter approach).
I want to encourage about 2 things very quickly.
If you have any real estate investing or marketing questions, please feel free to email them to me at . I will be conducting my monthly open Q&A call this Monday, July 14th at 9pm EST. My special guest mentor and trainer will be one of my best friends, business associates and REI mentors – Carson Carter. With over 33 years of experience and 8-figures of real estate transacted – you will have a chance to hear from him and I both, as we answer your most pressing needs. So watch for the registration link for this free training call and get your emails off to me asap. Mark your calendars for the call time.
Secondly, if you truly want an inexpensive yet powerful way to learn some internet marketing skills, saving you the thousands of dollars I personally paid to learn these strategies, check out and join this educational program and be a part of my success team.
To your success!
Charles Dudley
PS – If you want a great hosting service for your websites for only a $1 30-day trail, check out
PPS – If you want the best autoresponder / list manager program available today, try it out for free for 30 days at
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Flipping Houses and More
The first thing I want to draw attention to is the main issue associated with any quick turn or quick profit transaction. Let’s suppose that a savvy investor was able to acquire a $200,000 home for $130,000 (that’s 65% of the Fair Market Value). This leaves a nice $70,000 for project costs and profit. So let’s discuss costs. There are fixed costs and variable costs. Fixed costs will be the same regardless of how quickly you sell this property and variable costs depend on factors such as actual sale price, time for rehab and time on market, etc.
Let’s say that this property cost $15,000 to rehab over a period of 3 weeks, approximately $5,000 for buy and sell costs – excluding realtor fees, and let’s say $5,000 in holding costs if the property can sell within 90 days. So far, that takes our profit pool down to $45,000 – that is pretty exciting.
Now, there are a few decisions to be made. Should you use a real estate agent or not? Should you price your home at the Fair Market Value or less? Let’s say that the speed at which you sell the property depends on whether you have it listed with an agent. So, each month that goes by will cost you around $1,500-2,000 per month for this property, once you figure PITI, utilities, landscaping, cleaning, etc. In today’s buyers market, not only are the investors looking for a bargain, but so are the home-buyers, so you should be around 3-5% below the FMV for a faster sale. So if you list with an agent and price your home right to sell, then you are looking at another $15,000 off the profit, leaving $30,000 in the pot. If you choose to work to sell the home yourself, and the home stays on the market for 6 months, you will still pay at least another $5,000-6,000 in additional holding costs, and would be motivated to take an offer of $5,000-10,000 off the fair market value. You’d be in the same position as with an agent, but over a longer time.
Finally, out of your $30,000 profit, which always looks great on TV and when you leave the closing table, don’t forget that you will have to pay taxes on that sale, and for all sales made in less than 12 months, will be taxed at the maximum capital gains rate that is close to 40%, another $12,000 expense off the profit. So for all that work and roughly 3 months of work, you have a net profit of $18,000, if nothing goes wrong, the rehab stays in budget and on schedule, your retail buyer can get financing and you get a reasonable offer within 90 days or less.
Let me just throw in a mediocre scenario to open your eyes a bit. Let’s say that it takes you 6 months to sell your property instead of 3, increasing your holding costs another $5,000-6,000. Let’s say that your rehab schedule drags out from 3 weeks to 6 weeks, adding another $5,000 in expenses. Let’s say that your only contract offer is $185,000 instead of your target of $190,000-$195,000. You will look at a profit of $10,000 or less after taxes. Does that sound as sexy as the TV shows make it look?
Now I have not even gotten into worst case scenarios, nor do I want to scare you in any way. I only want you to look realistically at the current market. Currently, everyone is looking for bargains, homeowners want a 5-15% discount, and investors want 30-50% discounts. And let me one who lets you know that you will not make money on every deal you do. Plan to be okay financially with losing money on 1 out of 10 deals and breaking even on 1 or 2 deals out of every 10 you do as an investor. This way you will not be devastated when that happens.
So stay tuned to the next group of articles as I discuss wholesaling, options strategies, lease-purchases, multi-family deals, land development, setting up your power team, tax strategies, asset protection, marketing your business and more.
Happy Investing – Charles Dudley –
PS – Feel free to join me every Monday at Noon eastern for a study in true prosperity – call details are at
PSS – Remember to join our free “fire my boss” training this Monday night at 9 pm eastern by registering at
Finally - Don't miss out on my Teleseminar Secrets VIP Coaching series that begins in 1 week - sign up at
And get in on the last day for our How To Stop Foreclosure eBooksale at
Friday, June 20, 2008
Secrets to Hidden Cash in Real Estate Markets
What if I could show you a way to create a profit without completing a real estate purchase or sale? This is one of the hidden secrets to creating profit streams within the real estate market, without having to even negotiate a real estate contract, take any risk, yet create a powerful profit for yourself and your customer.
You see, in business as in life, you get paid in direct proportion to the problems you solve. That is one of the key tenants of being a real estate dominator. You ability and capacity to solve problems. Solve the right kind of problems for your customer and you will ultimately solve your own problems. And of course, as you learn more of these secrets to hidden cash and profits within each real estate deal, and learn how to leverage multiple profit centers in each deal, you will maximize your time and income. It’s time to work smart, not just hard.
I don’t care if you’ve never done a deal, or have completed hundreds, you need to spend some time with me this weekend. I have prepared several amazing training calls for you and the Real Estate Investing’s Most Wanted Secrets! community, and those elite few within the Real Estate Dominator Dream Team.
Consider this a mini-conference for your edification and learning.
Call #1 is on Saturday with banking and mortgage specialist, Tony Lee. He will be teaching how you can become the “go to” person and generate additional profit streams out of deals, even one that you don’t complete. This is a powerful, business altering call you won’t want to miss. Be on time, at 12 Noon Eastern, by registering at
Special eBook – Ever wanted to understand the mystery and confusion of foreclosures, without having to go to real estate school, or getting a Ph. D. in Finance? We are offing one of the best, most concise books written for folks facing foreclosure, pre-foreclosure, or investors interested in breaking into the profitable foreclosure and pre-foreclosure niche. Get the insider secrets of Foreclosure and How To Avoid Foreclosure with this eBook, which we’ve drastically marked down for this weekend only.
Call #2 will be this Sunday at 8 PM EST with several panelist and a mystery guest (or 2), so just be sure to make your calendar currently and watch your email or this blog later Saturday for registration specifics. This call will be limited to invitation only guests. Be watching for your invitation.
Call #3 will be this Monday. My next guest on the latest REI Most Wanted Secrets! Tele-training series is going to rock your socks off! I am so excited about this guest – but I want you to be as eager to hear about them as I am to share them with you. Go ahead and mark your training calendar for Monday night at 9 PM EST – details about this will be following in Saturday’s posting and email.
I want you to know that I am committed to helping you obtain your personal freedom through real estate investing and internet marketing, so that you too can become a real estate dominator. Do not miss out on all the quality training we are providing and the best continuing education materials that are available.
Also, remember that I am available for live mentoring and coaching, with scalable programs and free consultations as my schedule allows. I believe in you and appreciate you big time!
Now go get in for Saturdays call and the special eBook offer before they are gone and I will see you then.
God bless!
Charles Dudley
PS - Remember, Call # 1 this Saturday at Noon EST - Hidden Profit Centers in Real Estate Investing Deals
And the How To Stop Foreclosure eBook special offer is at - (hint: it is steeply discounted just for our members)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Real Estate Is Dead
Well, I have been studying various popular real estate investing strategies over the last 2 years and have discovered some things that are very eye-opening. Some disturbing and some refreshing. And as I see it today, the techniques of investors from yesteryear are going the way of the dinosaur. Yes, some basic real estate principles will always work and can help you make money, especially if you have good credit, some extra cash to invest up front, and are willing to allow time to realize significant profits from your investments. But, if you are like 95% of people interested in getting into real estate, or those who have been at it for a while, but have not been able to experience the big financial breakthrough yet; you need to be able to do deals without using your own cash or credit, without risking your life savings, 401K, or maxing out your credits cards.
What I want to do in this next series of articles is discuss some pros and cons of the various investing methods being promoted today. I also want to share with you why you must be online as an investor and how you need to do that. Why I believe that cookie-cutter or replicated websites do not typically best serve their clients - but more offer a false hope. I also will dispel the myths of the foreclosure investing gold rush, the wholesaling bubble, and what methods and strategies you really should be using to create quick and longer term wealth and profits as an investor. Finally, we'll even discuss how and why you should protect your assets and income, why you do want to use land trusts, LLCs and Corporations. I'll explain why you should establish corporate credit, and why you should invest in your continuing education, but what criteria you should use to evaluate what a good use of your training dollars should be and things to look out for.
In the end, I believe that anyone who is willing to plan their work and work their plan, who will take sound advice and not make excuses, keeping a positive attitude and not give up when things may look tough, that person will be a real estate dominator. A real estate dominator is someone who establishes a business system, utilizing quick cash methods and internet marketing, producing repeatable and predictable results and profits from their investing efforts. So watch for the next article when I review some of the latest strategies and what works and what doesn't. I will help get you over the hype and focus on what works. Until then, Control The Outcome! Charles Dudley
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Here's A FR-EE Real Estate Investing Video
fast the days go by when you get caught up in
what your doing. You know the feeling,
right (kids, the family, work, etc)?
I don't think I've told you what I've been up to...
so here it goes. You see over the past few weeks
I've been spending a lot of my time going over the
most common questions I get about real estate, and
creating some killer videos If I say so myself,
although I might be biased I did make them :).
Since I want to give you access to the videos for FR-EE,
I knew most of my "guru-friends" would think I'm joking
if told them to help me out with the content. Most
of them charge for this type of information. So even
though it's taken me a little bit longer to do I'm
finally getting things under control and its almost done.
At the moment I've finish recording most of
the videos, but I'm still trying to edit some
of them. Between you and me, I'm not the greatest
video editor in the world, but don't tell my
wife (she still thinks I'm "cool").
All jokes aside though, I'm really excited to get these
videos out to you. In fact, I've just finished the first one
and instead of waiting for the rest to be done, I'm just
going to let you have a sneak peek before I go ahead and
release it out into the market.
Depends on the amount of feedback I get I might just go
ahead and sell this as a course later. But you don't have
to worry about that; you won't have to pay for them :).
Let me tell you a bit of what to expect in these first video.
Get your questions about current real estate investing
issues answered. Learn more about how to truly integrate
online marketing into you REI business to multiply
your profits
And remember, this is only the beginning I have a ton
more videos coming your way. Stick around and be on the
lookout for more video content.
Success in 2008,
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Control The Outcome."
P.S. Your feedback is pure gold! To me,
getting it is like getting Testing Data - It helps
me know exactly what kind of content you need.
When it comes to real estate I can answer
anything you need, but actually hearing what
is MOST important to you -- RIGHT NOW - will
make the next video, and the next
video... that much more powerful to your
real estate business.
So press the reply button right now and shoot
me an email. I would love to hear from you.